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Metauro Free
100% liti sanitarni akril
Samostoječe kadi brez vidnega spoja obloge, ki jih odlikujejo eleganten dizajn, udobje in enostavna montaža. Na voljo številne izvedbe in opcije.
100% liti sanitarni akril
Samostoječa kad, ki združuje eleganten dizajn, izjemno udobje in enostavno montažo. Na voljo v dveh dimenzijah dolžine 152 cm ali 170 cm.
- NOVO Dove

Victoria Free
100% liti sanitarni akril
Elegantne in moderne pravokotne kadi s tovarniško vgrajenim podnožjem, odtočno-prelivnim kompletom in nevidno spojeno oblogo. Na voljo v širokem razponu dimenzij.
Colorado Free
100% liti sanitarni akril
Ergonomsko oblikovane moderne pravokotne kadi s tovarniško vgrajenim podnožjem, odtočno-prelivnim kompletom in nevidno spojeno oblogo. Na voljo v dveh različnih dimenzijah.
Slim Black
100% liti sanitarni akril
Samostoječe kadi, značilne po elegantni ovalni obliki, opremljene z vnaprej sestavljeno oblogo v črnem mat učinku, podnožjem in prelivno-odtočno garnituro. Na voljo v več izvedbah.
Plane Easy
100% liti sanitarni akril
Edinstvena kopalna kad z integriranimi steklenimi vrati, ki omogočajo enostaven vstop in izstop iz kadi. Na voljo v več različnih dimenzijah.
100% liti sanitarni akril
Samostoječe kadi, značilne po elegantni ovalni obliki, opremljene z vnaprej sestavljeno oblogo, podnožjem in prelivno-odtočno garnituro. Na voljo v več izvedbah.
100% liti sanitarni akril
Elegantne in moderne pravokotne kadi s tovarniško vgrajenim podnožjem in odtočno-prelivnim kompletom, namenjene vgradnji z obzidavanjem. Na voljo v širokem razponu dimenzij.
100% liti sanitarni akril
Ergonomsko oblikovane moderne pravokotne kadi s tovarniško vgrajenim podnožjem in odtočno-prelivnim kompletom, namenjene vgradnji z obzidavanjem. Na voljo v dveh različnih dimenzijah.
100% liti sanitarni akril
Pravokotne kadi z jasnimi in izrazitimi linijami. Minimalistična zasnova bo pritegnila ljubitelje preprostih in ostrih oblik. Na voljo v širokem razponu dimenzij.
100% liti sanitarni akril
100% liti sanitarni akril
100% liti sanitarni akril
100% liti sanitarni akril
100% liti sanitarni akril
100% liti sanitarni akril
100% liti sanitarni akril
100% liti sanitarni akril
100% liti sanitarni akril
100% liti sanitarni akril
100% liti sanitarni akril
100% liti sanitarni akril
100% liti sanitarni akril
Canal Grande
100% liti sanitarni akril
100% liti sanitarni akril
100% liti sanitarni akril
100% liti sanitarni akril
100% liti sanitarni akril
100% liti sanitarni akril
100% liti sanitarni akril
The use of cookies
We wish this web page to function properly and have the obligation to improve it further. This and our intention to improve your experience, requires for the page to store a small amount of information (cookies) onto your computer. Over 90% of all web sites use cookies. However, in accordance to the EU regulations from March 23rd 2011, we are obliged to ask for your approval before storing cookies onto your disc. By using our web site you agree to use cookies. If you wish to block cookies you can still access the site, but some of its features will not be available to you.
What is a cookie?
A cookie is a piece of information stored onto your computer by the web site you visit. Cookies in principle store your settings, the settings for web site you visit, such as preferred language and address. Later on, when you re-visit the same site, internet browser sends back the cookies belonging to the site. This enables the site to present the information adapted to your needs.
Cookies can store a wide range of information, including personal ones (such as your name of e-mail address). Still, this information can be stored only if you permit it to be stored – web sites cannot approach the information you have not made available and cannot reach other data (files or otherwise) on your computer. The process of data storing and sending cookies to you cannot be seen. However, you can change your settings on internet browser so as to be able to choose whether the request for storing cookies will be approved or refused, to erase stored cookies automatically when closing the internet browser etc.
How to disable the cookies ?
Disabling the cookies you decide whether to let the cookies be stored on your computer or not. Cookies setting can be controller and configures in your web browser. To get the information on cookies settings, select the browser you use. • Chrome • Firefox • Internet Explorer 9 • Internet Explorer 7 i 8 • Opera (English page) • Safari (English page) If you disable the cookies you will not be able to use some of the web site functions.
What are temporary cookies ?
Temporary cookies, or session cookies, are removed from the computer by closing the internet browser. They are used by web-sites to store temporary data, such as settings in an e-buying basket.
What are persistent cookies ?
Persistent or stored cookies remain on the computer after closing the internet browser programme. Web-sites use them to store the data, such as user name and password, so that you do not need to login every time you visit a particular site. Persistent cookies will remain on your computer for days, months, even years.
What are first-party cookies ?
First-party cookies come from the web-site you are currently visiting, and can be persistent or temporary. Web-sites use these cookies to store the data to be used at your next visit to the particular web-site.
Does Aquaestil.hr use cookies ?
Yes, wishing primarily for out web-sites to provide a more satisfactory user experience for you.
What kind of cookies Aquaestil.hr uses and why ?
- Session cookies are temporary cookies which are used (and deleted automatically) when you close your internet browser. We use session cookies to enable access to our contents and enable comments (which you have to do when you register with your data on out web-site).
- Persistent cookies usually have closing date far in the future, meaning they will remain in your browser until such time or until you delete them manually. We use persistent cookies with functions like „Stay registered“tickbox, which offers registered users easier access. We also use persistent cookies to understand better our users' habits, so as to be able to improve our web site following your habits and wishes. This information is anonymous, meaning we cannot see the individual data belonging to our users.
Are there any third-party cookies on our web-site ?
There are some outer services which store limited cookies to the user. These cookies have not been set by this web-site. However, some are used to enable normal functioning of some options, enabling users easier access to the contents. Presently, we enable:
- Measuring visiting frequency
Aquaestil.hr uses a few services for measuring visiting frequency, such as: Google analytics.
If you wish to disable these services to store cookies on your computer, you can do it using the following links:- Google Analytics - https://tools.google.com/ dlpage/gaoptout
Additional information of disabling cookies
There are currently few sites to help you disable storing cookies for various services.
Additional information can be found at the following web-sites;